Matt Purdy

Matt Purdy's Fundraiser


We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,785 towards $2,500

Building a new Regional Cancer Center. Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

Millions of people are affected by cancer every year. Join me in supporting real change - Let’s support good in the world and make a difference.

I’ve had family members and friends affected by cancer over the years, and have dealt firsthand with the emotional toll such a diagnosis can inflict on loved ones. I’ve also had numerous students deal with cancer in their families, which can be particularly challenging when it's combined with the aspect of being away from home and navigating the college world.
Help us provide better and more convenient cancer care for our friends and family by donating to The Enduring Hope Fund for Foundation at Murray-Calloway County Hospital.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The Foundation at MCCH.