Pi Kappa Alpha

Pi Kappa Alpha's Fundraiser

The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha are raising awareness to support the Men in Pink Campaign. Fundraising efforts will contribute toward cancer research at the Murray-Calloway County Hospital. image

The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha are raising awareness to support the Men in Pink Campaign. Fundraising efforts will contribute toward cancer research at the Murray-Calloway County Hospital.

Join us and help make a difference, please donate today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$10,695 towards $3,000

The Pikes are beyond excited to partake in the Men in Pink Campaign. It is the first year fraternities have been invited to spread awareness and compete in fundraising efforts for a great cause. Many brothers from the Epsilon Lambda chapter have felt the effects of breast cancer through family members, friends, and loved ones. Seth Thomas, a brother of Pike, has firsthand seen his grandmother fight breast cancer. When asked about it, he stated, "My grandmother had breast cancer, and while it was a scary time for my family, it brought us closer together. We united to all work together to help my grandmother through the difficult time. Our faith in the Lord was also strengthened because our prayers were answered with my grandmother overcoming breast cancer and not having any issues to this day." Any donation is appreciated and we have many creative ideas planned to raise money for such a great philanthropic event!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping us meet our goal for Murray Calloway Endowment for Healthcare Inc